“Some beautiful paths cannot be discovered without getting lost.”
Erol Ozan

Whenever I get to a new place I change my clothes, unpack and head out for a walk to explore. Only one time I almost got lost. We were deep in the Blue Mountains in the Wolgan Valley outside of Sydney. The property is located on 7000 acres with unlimited space to roam.
While mom and daughter napped, I headed off on a bike ride, my only companions, kangaroo’s, their babies, and wallabies. I recall waiting for the mother kangaroo and baby to cross my path, I waited, no one was I going to interfere with a mom and her baby! I get it, I am a mom, I’d kick me too!
The afternoon was starting to turn from day to dusk, and I was scared. I kept asking myself… when are they going to send a rescue party. I couldn’t even see the resort, individual stand alone structures with our own private indoor outdoor swimming pool, referred to as a one bedroom heritage villa.

My mother was standing outside when I came pedaling up frantic, relieved and angry. “Were you ever going to send help?” I dramatically belted. She had been worried but my daughter told her I’d find my way. That evening at dinner I went on to relay my experience to the CEO and the other guides who crossed my path in this very quiet, reserved resort. I explained how they should never leave bikes for their guest without instructions and a walkie talkie. It was a very frightening experience, but a story that will never die. Even so, I can’t wait to go back. It really is a magnificent place.

Take Note: The Wolgan Valley, Emirates, One & Only is an ultra-luxury conservation-based resort, occupying just one percent of a 2,800 hectare nature reserve in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.