bloom, a beautiful process of becoming

Lisa was referred to me by a real estate and coaching client and friend during COVID. When I first met Lisa over ZOOM then, and where Lisa is today, is not unlike a blossoming flower. Over the months and 2 short years I have watched her bloom one petal at a time into a person with hopes, dreams and goals she didn’t even know were on her radar! And that is the exact reason why I love coaching so very much!

Lisa came to me to learn how to utilize social media in order to gain access into the world of a young company based in England whose mission behind their unisex streetwear clothing brand is mental health called Young Goat.

At the time of our meeting Lisa was scheduled out with weekly meetings with her life coach, a therapist and our Purpose and Passion coaching sessions. I soon learned Lisa had lost a sister close in age and not only was carrying a heavy sadness for her own loss but that of the family left behind. Bearing the emotional weight of that horrific loss her parents, niece and brother-in-law were experiencing took a toll on Lisa’s mental health.

Needless to say, she was experiencing grief and sadness no words can cure. With that Lisa was working on finding her place and filling her time where she felt she could do good for herself while honoring the memory of her sister like the golf tournament she launched within a year after her sisters passing. And it was during that year Lisa discovered Young Goat. And this is where our journey began.

We started out by getting her set up on all social media platforms and within a year she went from not knowing how to post a story to what eventually happened — achieving her goal and so much more!

In our first meeting we discussed the importance of posting interesting and high resolution imagery. I recall that very first post. A post not easily re-captured due to its location and time it takes to schedule an appointment with her busy subjects, a professional skier and his wife. Her subjects matched the Young Goat ( Greatest of All Time) lifestyle brand yet her background didn’t quite capture the brilliance it could have. Lisa nailed the concept; set atop a mountain peak in Park City, Utah in Olympic Valley — however the image was dull, the snow had almost melted away while the mountains and valley lacked luster. To go back to where she started, to where she is now, has been an amazing journey.

Lisa not only mastered her Instagram feed and Instagram story, and in doing so achieved her goal which was to be noticed and recognized by Young Goat through her profile, Young Goat Addict. When we began she didn’t know the word “Influencer” and yet that is just what transpired. She was so passionate about this brand and their mission, and was touched by the loss the founders experienced through the suicide of a friend. Lisa was no stranger to loss. After her sister passed away, she lost her very best friend in a devastating car crash shortly after. Lisa first connected via DM as I had encouraged her to do so. Then their conversation moved to email, then to a live conversation and then to ZOOM. It was a process, but through each of their personal losses had something very much in common. I recall the biggest and one of the most exciting moments in our journey together was when she went from being their biggest fan to the moment they realized she was more than a fan but a mentor and someone that could be their guide. Not only did she become an influencer and an ambassador for YG in such a short time, she is now on their team, officially, and through their partnership she has taken on new goal which is making her even more fulfilled giving her life more purpose as she helps people with mental health and grief through speaking engagements, a Podcast, Blog and Vlog to come. I recall the week or just days before we were having a conversation about what she was going to do with her time, a topic she had just spoken to with her Life Coach. I told her to continue doing what you are doing and something will transpire organically along the way. And no sooner did we have that conversation but a friend from her past asked if she would speak at their student body about grief and mental health. Watching and hearing Lisa’s excitement was heart-warming. As I witnessed her go from contained and a closed flower to watching each petal of her soul open up one petal at a time. It is only just the beginning for Lisa and her new adventures. As a coach and a friend it is something so magnificent to watch and to be a part of. I cannot wait to see what comes next!

Another amazing fall out from Lisa’s journey was through her meetings and connections with those she met on Instagram. Not only did they fill her Young Goat Addict feed with cool content but she introduced her niece to one of the young men. The pair met up in person shortly thereafter even with multiple states separating the two. Social media can be so amazing when we find those nuggets of gold buried within. I have met some of my best friends on Instagram, connecting with the right people can be life changing, and no doubt we see what it has done for Lisa.

XOXO contained beauty

As Lisa’s coach it has been so much fun sharing Young Goat Addict which has allowed me to meet fun people along the way – popping a hat on an innocent person and asking to take their photo for YG and YGA. Of course I started with my family and friends 🙂

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